Project flow by HeBoTek

Good project management is co-decisive for the successful implementation of software.


Our process

We support you from the idea to the concept until the finished implementation.


A professional and goal-oriented consultation is always uppermost. Based on our longtime experience and the implementation of web solutions in various sectors, we exactly know what's important. You can find an overview about our consultation work in the Consulting section.

Next Process


Once a concept is created, the next step in most cases is to create a fitting design. With our design partners we have access to highly qualified and well-trained web designers, who not only create designs for website from scratch, but also implement complete CIs. Building on long-year partnerships, communication ways are short and the collaboration between the designers and HeBoTek is highly efficient. This is not only good for us, but in the end also reduces the costs for our clients. An efficient team simply can do more work with less effort.

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Implementation is the part, where design- and functionality requirements finally are brought to life. Working with our highly-qualified and experienced in-house developers, even the most ambitious requirements can be implemented in best quality and on time. To reach this goal, we use the latest technologies and development concepts.

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In most cases a website or web application is a life-long project and, once online, needs reliable and professional maintenance to stay successful on a long-term view. With our highly customized maintenance packages, we will take care of your website after launch and make sure that everything runs smoothly.

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To plan our resources and the implementation of projects, we use the ticketing and project management tool Redmine. Occuring tasks and client assignments can quickly and easily be captured in tickets and distributed to the relevant colleagues. Big tasks can be split into smaller parts, which offers an optimal use of resources.


With the on the minute time tracking system of Redmine, you can easily and quickly see which tasks took what amount of time. This makes it possible for future projects or assignments to have an even better chance to estimate how much time and resources will be needed.

Redmine is also used for direct communication with our clients. Clients get their own user access and can start tickets, set priorities and deadlines and check the status of their tickets. In this way all wishes and requirements of the clients are collected in a central place and we can work on them bit by bit. No more confusing e-mail communication. Requirements and feedbacks no longer get lost in SPAM-folders.



Scrum is another useful tool for project- and product management, which is used by us especially in agile software development. Its principles can be cut down to four major points:

  • Individuals and interaction count more than processes and tools
  • Working software is more important than extensive documentation
  • Collaboration with clients has a higher value than contract negotiations
  • Reacting on changes has more meaning than following a plan

Transparency, verification and adjustments are the three essential foundations of scrum.

In the end, scrum is here to express what is important in successful project management. And that is flexibility, dynamics and daily meetings where all project collaborators coordinate their tasks.


Quality management

Quality management's task is to ensure, that the client's change requests are implemented the way he intended them to be and that changes on single elements of a website don't have negative influences on the rest of the site.


To make this sure, any changes are first implemented on a separate testing or development environment, detailed testing is done and differences between development and prodution environment are documented. Single changes on the testing environment are bit by bit compared to the current state of the production environment and any effects on other site elements or other sections of the website are controlled.

By the time all checks are completed successfully and can be released, the changes are implemented on the production environment. After the implementation all changes are again tested on the production environment to be able to quickly react on any occuring complications.

Using unit-tests and end-to-end testing frameworks like cypress, these processes are widely automated.

Agile project management

Management and controlling of projects and processes are highly dynamic and flexible to be able to quickly implement any change requests and wishes. The foundation of agile processess is the working in short periods, in which a temporary result is presented to the client and the client accepts parts of the changes or brings in new change requests.